alive and well and still writing in the oh-so-hot pacific northwest

Es­ti­mated reading time is 1 minute.AS I TACKLE THE NEXT PART of my ex­tended say on the movie Wild In The Streets and its at­ten­dant sound­track music for my Rather Rare Records (dotcom) site, I found my­self in need of a Del Shannon fix. And, once fixed, I thought I would fill in the gap be­tween WITS posts by sharing some of his work! 

So, I took the time away from the record­ings and the ac­tual records as­so­ci­ated with the Wild In The Streets movie (which is re­quiring far more re­search and ra­ti­o­ci­na­tion time than ex­pected) and wrote a two-parter the late, great Del Shannon. 

The first post is ti­tled “tears are falling and I feel the pain” and is very brief in­deed, while the second part (“1,661 words on del shannon”) deals with the fact that Del was an early ad­vo­cate of the Bea­tles and other British artists be­fore they were dis­cov­ered by Amer­ican top 40 radio. It also cor­rects some er­rors that I made in the first piece.

The work needed for the above WITS work and many other things hap­pening too much too fast in my per­sonal life—like buying a house and moving into it; get­ting a new job, losing it, and get­ting an­other new job; get­ting hit by a car and being on whip-lash alert; and now we are in a very rare heat wave here in the usually-temperate Pa­cific North­west (it reached 98 on the ther­mometer out­side our house yesterday)—is my ex­pla­na­tion for the lack of at­ten­tion and fresh post­ings to this site, . . .

ShannonDel furcoat

FEA­TURED IMAGE: The photo at the top of this page is Del Shannon in an ob­vi­ously cold, out­doors environment—but I haven’t a clue as to what it year it was taken.



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