I survived the great flu of 2018 ... will you, too?

Es­ti­mated reading time is 2 minutes.

AS I WRITE THIS, Berni and I have been down with The Great Flu of 2018 for more than two weeks. This is a par­tic­u­larly vir­u­lent ver­sion of the flu, and while I can’t ac­cu­rately say that I was knock, knock, knocking on Heav­en’s Door, I can hon­estly say like it felt like I could see that fear­some portal.

I lost more than twenty pounds during the peak ill­ness, un­able to keep down any food and most of the water I sipped for days. (My neighbor lost twenty-five pounds during the same pe­riod with the same illness.)

This brief piece is here as a warning to those readers who have not had the flu yet!

Be­ware: the early-onset symp­toms to be wary of are con­stant headache, con­stant cold (es­pe­cially if you feel like you need a sweater in­doors even when the heat is on), and con­stant lethargy.

If you’re feeling these things, don’t fight it: stay home, stay warm, stay hydrated.

Need­less to say, I was in­ca­pac­i­tated during this time, hence my ab­sence from my blogs.

Go to your search en­gine, type in “flu 2018,” and you’ll find count­less ar­ti­cles about the dis­ease and its in­sid­ious ef­fects around the world. I am quoting below from the CBS News ar­ticle “2018 flu season ap­pears to hit deadly peak” by Ashley Welch (and was last up­dated on Jan­uary 12, 2018, at 10:58 PM EST).

“This year’s flu season has been dom­i­nated by a par­tic­u­larly nasty bug, and health of­fi­cials say it has now reached al­most every corner of the country. In a press con­fer­ence on Friday morning, the CDC says flu season ap­pears to be peaking.

Flu is now wide­spread in every state ex­cept Hawaii. While ex­perts say the flu season may have reached its peak, they warn it will take many more weeks for flu ac­tivity to truly slow down.

This year’s flu season has been dom­i­nated by the H3N2 strain, which is linked to more se­vere ill­nesses es­pe­cially among adults over the age of 65 and chil­dren younger than 5.

Deaths in states across the country are 4 to 8 times what they were last year at this time from the flu on 2017!

Hos­pi­tal­iza­tions are also on the rise, par­tic­u­larly among adults over the age of 50 and chil­dren under the age of 5. Some hos­pi­tals in Cal­i­fornia have been so over­whelmed that they had to send pa­tients to other ERs.

If you haven’t gotten your flu shot yet, of­fi­cials say it is not too late. Other common-sense prac­tices can help you avoid get­ting sick and pre­vent the spread of the flu:

• Avoid close con­tact with sick people.
• While sick, limit con­tact with others as much as possible.
• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
• Clean and dis­in­fect sur­faces and ob­jects that may be con­t­a­m­i­nated with germs like the flu.
Wash your hands often with soap and water.”

This year’s flu has been dom­i­nated by H3N2, which is linked to more se­vere ill­nesses. Click To Tweet

Great Flu: photo of a flu virus.

FEA­TURED IMAGE: The image at the top of this page is a pho­to­graph of a flu virus from “The Flu Virus is More In­sid­ious Than Orig­i­nally Thought” by Melissa Malamut for Boston Mag­a­zine (Oc­tober 24, 2013).



5 thoughts on “I survived the great flu of 2018 ... will you, too?”

  1. I’m glad to hear you’re both better....Just cu­rious but did you have a flu shot? I’ve never been sure if they help, al­ways in­ter­ested in other peo­ple’s ex­pe­ri­ences with that.

  2. I did not have a flu shot.

    a) I know people who get a flu shot every year and never get the flu.

    b) I know people who get a flu shot every year and get the flu.

    c) I know people who never get a flu shot and never get the flu.

    d) I know people who never get a flu shot and get the flu every year.

    Ap­par­ently, this year’s vac­cine was in­cred­ibly use­less: it was only 10% ef­fec­tive in Aus­tralia (get­ting hit hard) and as “much” as 30% ef­fec­tive in the US. I wish I had copied the ar­ticle where I read those fig­ures, but I didn’t.

    If you haven’t had it yet, be wary of your sur­round­ings and the people in them ...

    • I should point out that pro-vaxxers will AL­WAYS tell you about a) and d) above, but NEVER tell you about b) and c).

      What’s the term I want here?

      Oh, yeah: con­fir­ma­tion bias.

  3. That’s pretty much in ac­cord with my ex­pe­ri­ence. I used to get them reg­u­larly and I still go the flu. Now I don’t get them and I don’t get the flu...but I also started working at home a few years back and don’t get out much so I sus­pect that’s the bigger key. Anyway, glad to hear you made it through!

    • I should point out that pro-vaxxers will AL­WAYS tell you about a) and d) above, but NEVER tell you about b) and c).

      What’s the term I want here?

      Oh, yeah: con­fir­ma­tion bias.


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