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we love sandra and amy but we’re gonna see avatar again!

WHEN WE SAW “AVATAR” AGAIN in 2010, tickets were $9. As a kid, my mother gave my brother and me a quarter each and dropped us off at the the­ater to spend all day at the Sat­urday mati­nees. The quarter cov­ered the 15¢ ad­mis­sion and left us enough to buy two boxes of candy each! [Read more] “we love sandra and amy but we’re gonna see avatar again!”

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the post’s experts never saw the hunter biden laptop let alone “analyzed” it

DOES THE “HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP” EVEN EXIST? On March 30, 2022, the once-hallowed Wash­ington Post news­paper ran an ar­ticle ti­tled “Here’s how The Post an­a­lyzed Hunter Biden’s laptop.” The ar­ticle car­ries a rather puzzling/troubling sub-title: “Two ex­perts con­firm the ve­racity of thou­sands of emails, but say a thor­ough ex­am­i­na­tion was stymied by missing data.” [Read more] “the post’s experts never saw the hunter biden laptop let alone “analyzed” it”

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commenting on a comment on my other blog

MOST OF THE COM­MENTS that I re­ceive on my blogs are com­pli­ments of or ques­tions re­lated to the ar­ticle to which the com­ment was made. Yes, I get the oc­ca­sional less-than-positive bit of feed­back but they are rare, in­deed. Even rarer are ones com­menting on truly per­sonal and in­ti­mate topics. [Read more] “commenting on a comment on my other blog”

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the stupidest way to price a record album I ever saw!

WHAT IS THE STU­PIDEST WAY to put a price on a record album that I ever saw? It hap­pened forty years ago in a thrift shop in San Fran­cisco and I still shudder thinking about it. And it didn’t in­volve those impossible-to-remove-without-lighter-fluid stickers that record store owners who don’t trust their cus­tomers affix to the front covers of LPs!

[Read more] “the stupidest way to price a record album I ever saw!”
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a .004 percent chance of it being a real warhol!

A RE­CENT NEWSLETTER FROM “THE HILL” in­cluded this teaser: “Have you al­ways wanted an Andy Warhol painting but never had the op­por­tu­nity? Well, here’s your chance (kind of). An art col­lector known as MSCHF ac­quired an orig­inal Warhol painting for $20,000 and is re­selling it for $250. [Read more] “a .004 percent chance of it being a real warhol!”

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a little personal background information

WHEN RE­QUIRED TO POST A PRO­FILE on the in­ternet, I usu­ally write, “Mys­tical lib­eral likes long walks alone at night in the dark in the city in the rain with an um­brella and a flask of 10-year-old Laphroaig.” While this bit of irony works for some readers, others want a little more in terms of per­sonal back­ground information. [Read more] “a little personal background information”

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shhh ... I’m starting a conspiracy theory here to get people masked and vaccinated

SSSH­H­HHHH! I’m starting a con­spiracy theory here to scare people into get­ting masked and vac­ci­nated. I want to spread a rumor that the coro­n­avirus is re­ally a con­spiracy by the élite alien rep­tiles to pass their sperm from human to human.

They do this by using the mois­ture in a sneeze or a cough or a kiss or even just in speaking as their medium to im­preg­nate people and turn “us” into “them.” [Read more] “shhh ... I’m starting a conspiracy theory here to get people masked and vaccinated”

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because of jessica wildfire, I found martin rowson

JES­SICA WILD­FIRE IS BE­COMING one of my fa­vorite jour­nal­ists. She de­scribes her­self as an “un­flu­encer,” which I as­sume is a play on those odd crea­tures of so­cial media known as “in­flu­encers.” She is also a top writer in gov­ern­ment, health, pol­i­tics, cul­ture, and life on Medium. And be­cause of her, if rather in­di­rectly, I dis­cov­ered the art­work of Martin Rowson.

[Read more] “because of jessica wildfire, I found martin rowson”