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the trump bucks stop here!

SUP­PORTERS OF DONALD TRUMP are told that so-called “Trump Bucks” will propel his 2024 pres­i­den­tial bid and make the buck-buyers rich when he wins and they can cash in. How would it work? Those who bought the bucks be­lieve that when Trump is re-elected, he will in­sti­tute a new mon­e­tary system that will make Trump Bucks valuable! [Read more] “the trump bucks stop here!”

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patrick chappatte and will eisner and graphic journalism

I DON’T FOLLOW ED­I­TO­RIAL CAR­TOONING, al­though I cer­tainly ap­pre­ciate the fact that we may be living in its golden age. There are so many bril­liant in­di­vid­uals who com­bine po­lit­ical and so­cial in­sight with in­tel­li­gence and with along with the ability to draw! While I have paid a cer­tain amount of at­ten­tion to avid Horsey, part of that is be­cause he is so well known here in the Pa­cific Northwest. [Read more] “patrick chappatte and will eisner and graphic journalism”

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the poor questioner might infer that I was judging him

WHEN  I WAKE IN THE MORNING, the first thing I do is make a mug of Café Bustelo coffee. I don’t wake up with my brain/mind func­tioning at 95 per­cent as I used to—more like 75 per­cent. As I sip my coffee, I warm up the ol’ ra­ti­o­ci­nator for the day’s writing by pe­rusing Quora and an­swering a few ques­tions. [Read more] “the poor questioner might infer that I was judging him”

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can we call trump’s tweeted temper tantrums “tweetrums”?

RE­SPONDING TO A QUES­TION on Quora, I used my an­swer as the basis for a short ar­ticle that I ti­tled, “Con­ser­v­a­tives Not Ex­actly En­thralled by Trump Are a Problem.” I was ad­dressing what I as­sumed was a con­ser­v­a­tive in­di­vidual who posted that some con­ser­v­a­tives “aren’t ex­actly en­thralled” with Trumps’ presidency.

The point of my piece was to take the ques­tioner to task for so timid a re­sponse to Trump. [Read more] “can we call trump’s tweeted temper tantrums “tweetrums”?”

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conservatives not exactly enthralled by trump are a problem

THIS ONE IS A DOOZY! The ques­tion on Quora was, “Would lib­erals be sur­prised to learn that con­ser­v­a­tives aren’t ex­actly en­thralled with Donald Trump ei­ther?” One must make some as­sump­tions when en­gaging other In­ter­ne­tally, so I as­sume that the person who posted this ques­tion is po­lit­i­cally con­ser­v­a­tive. I also as­sume that he as­sumes that asking it dis­plays his feel­ings and opinion about the cur­rent ad­min­is­tra­tion as being reasonable. [Read more] “conservatives not exactly enthralled by trump are a problem”

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the hydra of hate bubbling beneath america’s surface

I SKIPPED “MON­STER TALK” with Blake Smith as he pre­pared for Cryp­tidCon in the latest Skeptic newsletter. The ques­tion “What does sci­ence have to tell us about mon­sters” didn’t at­tract my in­terest. Nor did common mis­con­cep­tions about the ori­gins and de­vel­op­ment of iden­tical and fra­ternal twins. [Read more] “the hydra of hate bubbling beneath america’s surface”