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too many immoral people are trolling more effectively

TOO MANY IM­MORAL PEOPLE are trolling more ef­fec­tively than ever! This state­ment is taken from Jenny Pier­son’s “Don’t Feed the Trolls: How Out­rage Fuels Sick­ening Ca­reers.” The ar­ticle is sub­ti­tled “The guy who wrote the book on trolling has some tough-to-swallow sug­ges­tions on com­bating the worst of it.” [Read more] “too many immoral people are trolling more effectively”

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trolls are leaving forests and bridges for the internet

TROLLS ARE EVERY­WHERE! It wasn’t al­ways this way. Once upon a time, trolls dwelled in Scan­di­na­vian folk tales, crea­tures hos­tile to all things human. But now trolls are every­where! They’re leaving forests and bridges and the rocks and trees of the Old World to dwell in the cy­berci­ties that en­circle the globe. [Read more] “trolls are leaving forests and bridges for the internet”

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sadism! psychopathy! machiavellianism! and trolling?

THE FOL­LOWING PARA­GRAPHS were taken from an ar­ticle ti­tled “The One Psy­cho­log­ical Char­ac­ter­istic That On­line Trolls Tend to Share.” It’s an in­ter­esting look at what trolling has be­come, and most of the find­ings fit my ob­ser­va­tions of and ex­pe­ri­ences with per­sis­tent (com­pul­sive?) trolls on so­cial and news-oriented websites. [Read more] “sadism! psychopathy! machiavellianism! and trolling?”

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what about them there leftwingnut trolls?

AH YES, LEFT­WINGNUT TROLLS. I sup­pose they’re there, but they have to wait until I ad­dress old-fashioned, mod­erate Re­pub­li­cans. If they have a pres­ence or a voice on Face­book and other so­cial media on the In­ternet, it’s hard to find. Or it’s there but drowned out by the ubiq­ui­tous and rabid rightwingnuts and their bel­li­cose blath­er­ings and intellectually-challenged ‘opin­ions.’ [Read more] “what about them there leftwingnut trolls?”

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rightwingnuts do it for free on facebook (hate free zone 2)

RIGHTWINGNUTS DO IT FOR FREE is a follow-up of sorts to an ear­lier ar­ticle where I dis­cussed turning my Face­book page into a “rightwingnut hate free zone.” I did that so there will be NO MORE racist ho­mo­phobic misog­y­nistic Is­lama­phobic etcetera com­ments! Which doesn’t mean those folk aren’t oth­er­wise ubiq­ui­tous on Face­book and across the Internet. [Read more] “rightwingnuts do it for free on facebook (hate free zone 2)”