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the flirtations of pepe le pew and his nameless girlfriend

BE­FORE DON JUAN DE MARCO, there was Pepé Le Pew, the world’s greatest lover. Or so the skunk thunk. Mon­sieur Le Pew was in­tro­duced to movie­goers in 1945, where he was a hit! Warner Brothers signed him to a long-term con­tract that made him a reg­ular member of the casts of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies [Read more] “the flirtations of pepe le pew and his nameless girlfriend”

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changing the tower light bulb (it’s too late, baby)

BACK IN PRE-REAGAN AMERICA, back in the ’60s when the wealthy and the cor­po­ra­tions still paid some­thing re­sem­bling a rea­son­able tax rate, many (white) high schools in these here United States had a Guid­ance Coun­selor. This per­son’s job was to as­sist ju­niors and se­niors in rec­og­nizing and un­der­standing their in­ter­ests and skills and guide them to­wards courses that might help them to­wards re­al­izing the goal of a re­warding career. [Read more] “changing the tower light bulb (it’s too late, baby)”

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bone wars, rock-star scientists, and runaway egos

IT WAS THE BEST OF TIMES for dis­cov­ering new di­nosaurs! Al­losaurus! Bron­tosaurus! Stegosaurus! Tricer­atops! Bloody rep­tiles with wings and birds with teeth What a heady time it was to be a sci­en­tist! Yet it was ar­guably the worst of times for es­tab­lishing re­spect for sci­en­tists and the rea­son­ably new fields of pa­le­on­tology and com­par­a­tive anatomy. [Read more] “bone wars, rock-star scientists, and runaway egos”

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we came to the pyramids all embedded in ice

NEW YEAR’S DAY HEAD­LINE for the In­de­pen­dent Journal email newsletter was paranoia-inducing: “A Man Was Just Cap­tured In New York Plan­ning ISIS At­tack on New Year’s Eve.” My im­me­diate re­ac­tion was pan­icky: “Holy Schidt! ISIS in the Big Apple!! We’re under at­tack!!! It’s the end of the world as we know it!!!!” [Read more] “we came to the pyramids all embedded in ice”

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where wolf? nowhere wolf! (the slaughter of our wolves)

THE SLAUGHTER OF OUR WOLVES con­tinues al­most un­abated, al­though one would never know that we are ex­ter­mi­nating yet an­other species in a rather hor­rific manner from the near total lack of at­ten­tion given to the topic by the mainstream-corporate media. Be­fore pro­ceeding, I sug­gest reading “The Slaughter Of The Wolves” on Neal Umphred Dot Com. [Read more] “where wolf? nowhere wolf! (the slaughter of our wolves)”

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when is an assumption not a presumption?

I AS­SUME THAT MOST OF US dare to pre­sume when we should be merely as­suming! Just the other day one of my friends drifted into dis­cussing the dif­fer­ence be­tween ‘as­sume’ and ‘pre­sume’ and be­fore ei­ther of us could look it up and find out the dif­fer­ence we were both called to other du­ties and there the con­ver­sa­tion rested until now be­cause I wanna know once and for all when is an as­sump­tion not a pre­sump­tion! [Read more] “when is an assumption not a presumption?”


truer lies were né’er spoken (at least not by me)

TUESDAY WAS THE DARKEST DAY that I had seen since moving to the Pa­cific North­west al­most thirty years ago. At 3:00 in the af­ter­noon it was so dark that the au­to­matic street­lights and road­lamps were flick­ering on and off, their sen­sors ap­par­ently con­fused by the lack of light at that time of day. [Read more] “truer lies were né’er spoken (at least not by me)”

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“shazam” with a small “s” and no exclamation mark

FIRST THERE IS A MOUN­TAIN then there is no moun­tain then there is. I had made this walk a hun­dred times be­fore today but today was ex­tra­or­di­nary, but then every day is extraordinary.

So, I walked as I al­ways do and al­ways did.

So, I walked past the many tele­phone poles on 112th Av­enue NE. [Read more] ““shazam” with a small “s” and no exclamation mark”

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ornithomimus in dinosaur provincial park sounds trippy

LIKE MANY BOYS of my gen­er­a­tion, I went through a di­nosaur phase in the early 1960s when I was 10-12 years old. I was fas­ci­nated by these huge beasts and my par­ents in­dulged my in­terest by buying me most of the better books on the sub­ject. And there were also those few movies that had been made up till then that had some­thing ‘di­nosaurish’ about them. [Read more] “ornithomimus in dinosaur provincial park sounds trippy”