welcoming jayce hunter messenger to this whole world (om-dot-diddit)

Es­ti­mated reading time is 1 minute.ON NO­VEMBER 18, 2016, my won­drous daughter Ananda gave birth to my first grand­child, Jayce Hunter Mes­senger. Daughter and grand­child are doing well, as is new daddy Jamison Mes­senger. I waited a few weeks to post these photos as I wanted to give J.H. some time to re­cu­perate from the transition.

Jayce is a Scorpio. That sign covers those souls who tran­si­tioned be­tween Oc­tober 23 and No­vember 21. And I have my own per­sonal nest of Scor­pions in my life. Er, that should be “nest of Scorpios.”

What can a poor Virgo do among all these emo­tion­ally volatile souls? As someone once fa­mous once said, “So it goes.”

Ananda Jayce 1 960

I found the stun­ning photo of this whole world at the top of this page linked to an ar­ticle ti­tled “Life Be­fore Birth” by Herb Fitch. For those who want to see the full photo, click HERE.

Fi­nally, for those who don’t get the mu­sical al­lu­sion in the title, click HEAR and dig.

“Late at night I think about the love of this whole world,
lots of dif­ferent people everywhere.
And when I go any­where, I see love. (


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