socialist city council member kshama sawant immediately affects seattle

Es­ti­mated reading time is 2 min­utes.THREE DAYS ON THE JOB and Seat­tle’s new mayor Ed Murray, an­nounced plans to raise the min­imum wage for city workers: “Today I will issue an ex­ec­u­tive order di­recting my de­part­ment heads to de­velop a com­pre­hen­sive strategy to im­ple­menting a $15 min­imum wage in the City of Seattle for city employees.”

So­cialist City Council member Kshama Sawant rode the min­imum wage issue to vic­tory in Seattle. “My com­mit­ment is un­wa­vering and un­shak­able on get­ting $15 an hour and making progress on making Seattle an af­ford­able city.”

Get­ting a $15/hr min­imum wage for all of Seattle is going to take longer, but it is going to happen or be put to the voters. A ballot mea­sure is pos­sible be­cause Sawant says she’ll start gath­ering sig­na­tures if city leaders don’t quickly pass a $15 per hour min­imum wage.

Supporter of the working class

The state­ments above are from an ar­ticle ti­tled “It Be­gins: Seattle Mayor Will Issue Ex­ec­u­tive Order to Raise City Workers’ Min­inum Wage to $15/hr” on the Daily Kos web­site (Jan­uary 3, 2014). And yes, the Kos did mis­spell “min­imum.”

For readers out­side of the Pa­cific North­west area, $15 per hour (ap­prox­i­mately $30,000 per year) may seem gen­erous. Ac­tu­ally, it should rightly be con­sid­ered an “al­most living wage,” as the cost of living in this area is high and the av­erage pay low.

Of course, this is rel­a­tive: that kind of money in my home­town of Wilkes-Barre, Penn­syl­vania, would go a long way to pro­viding an in­di­vidual with a rea­son­ably com­fort­able lifestyle. A couple making $30,000 each back there could easily to buy a nice piece of prop­erty with a good sized house on it. Here, a couple making that can af­ford a nice apartment . . .

Need­less to say, I have nothing but re­spect for Mayor Murray for step­ping up to the plate so quickly. But it was Kshama Sawant who came out of nowhere to beat all op­po­nents (De­mo­crat and Re­pub­lican) to win her seat who has been the mover and shaker.

She has been an in­de­fati­gable sup­porter of working class cit­i­zens and fam­i­lies. Hope­fully, she will be around a long time to im­ple­ment or in­sti­gate pos­i­tive so­cial and eco­nomic re­form in Seattle . . .




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