stand by your man – hillary clinton as conservative icon!

Es­ti­mated reading time is 2 minutes.

STATING THE OB­VIOUS! During the long, ar­duous, and ul­ti­mately point­less episode known as the Monica Lewinsky Af­fair—which was pri­marily all of 1998 and we are still hearing about it—Hillary Rodham Clinton stood by her man through thick and thin. Hell’s Belles, she even had the courage to put a name to that which the damn lib­eral media never had the balls to do when she stated that there was a “vast rightwing con­spiracy” out to get her husband.

None of the men in the De­mo­c­ratic Party had the balls—er, the temerity—to do that!

Laughed at as being her lib­eral para­noia at the time, sub­se­quent rev­e­la­tions from former-Republican in­siders (no­tably David Brock of Media Mat­ters) have proven her aim accurate.

Of course, the DLM (“damn li­brull media”) still ig­nores the issue as did the men in the De­mo­c­ratic Party.

I know this is years too late—and I didn’t have a blog then—but I have been won­dering for years now, “Why weren’t Re­pub­lican women daz­zled by this wom­an’s com­mit­ment to her man and her relationship?”


Why weren’t Re­pub­lican women daz­zled by Hillary’s com­mit­ment to her man?


Grommet only knows the DLM makes a BIG deal out every tor­tured, heroic wife of each phi­lan­dering Re­pub­lican politi­cian when he gets caught! But when a De­moc­rat’s wife stands tall and true, she is ei­ther ig­nored or pil­lo­ried by the same media.

So, to Mrs. William Clinton, I ded­i­cate this post. Hope­fully, the tra­vails were worth the effort . . .


Lyrics to Stand By Your Man

Some­times it’s hard to be a woman,
giving all your love to just one man.
You’ll have bad times and he’ll have good times,
doing things that you don’t understand.

But if you love him, you’ll for­give him,
even though he’s hard to understand.
And if you love him, be proud of him,
’cause, after all, he’s just a man.

Stand by your man—give him two arms to cling to
and some­thing warm to come to 
when nights are cold and lonely.

Stand by your man, and show the world you love him
keep giving all the love you can.
Stand by your man

Stand by your man, and tell the world you love him
keep giving all the love you can.
Stand by your man.

Stand By Your Man was written by Wynette with pro­ducer Billy Sher­rill, and re­leased as a single in Sep­tember 1968. It reached #1 on both the Bill­board and Cash Box country charts in late 1968 for sev­eral weeks. It also crossed over to the pop charts, peaking at #19 on Bill­board’s Hot 100 but only reaching #23 on the Cash Box Top 100. 

Stand By Your Man is one of the most recorded songs in the his­tory of country & western music, vir­tu­ally a staple for any as­piring fe­male country singer. Country Music Tele­vi­sion ranked it at #1 on their list of the Top 100 Country Music Songs.



FEA­TURED IMAGE: This great car­i­ca­ture of Hillary Clinton by Don­key­Hotey was adapted from a photo in the public do­main from the US De­part­ment of State. It’s re­ally a rather lovely ]portrait,‘given where car­i­ca­tures tend to go . . .



2 thoughts on “stand by your man – hillary clinton as conservative icon!”

  1. AMI I am ex­per­i­menting with the look of the theme to see what is the most ef­fec­tive for my con­tent and what my readers prefer. I like all of the open space of the chess­board one (that’s Word­Press’s de­fault theme called Twenty-Eleven and I can elim­i­nate the pic­ture header) but like the dra­matic im­pact the red-and-black look has. Wudda you think? NEAL


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