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lies, damn lies, fake news, and the misinformation ecosystem

FAKE NEWS AIN’T NEW NEWS. The term has been in fairly reg­ular if not quite common use for years: it ini­tially re­ferred to the mis/disinformation and pro­pa­ganda cir­cu­lated by the thou­sands of well-connected, rightwing radio talk shows for pro­pa­ganda. It grew to even vaster pro­por­tions with the emer­gence of the mil­lions of ‘con­ser­v­a­tive’ web­sites and blogs known as the Rightwing Blogosphere. [Read more] “lies, damn lies, fake news, and the misinformation ecosystem”

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when my people are in control vs. when your people are in control

A RE­CENT QUORA posed the ques­tion, “Why is there such an­i­mosity be­tween lib­erals and con­ser­v­a­tives in the United States?” A Tom Wetzel of­fered an in­tel­li­gent com­ment that opened with this state­ment: “It’s ironic in a cer­tain way. Both De­moc­rats and Re­pub­li­cans es­pouse forms of lib­eral ide­ology that are in­tensely pro-capitalist.” [Read more] “when my people are in control vs. when your people are in control”

Trump Truth

telling the truth usually requires facts





And telling the truth usu­ally re­quires facts. Anyone telling you oth­er­wise is ei­ther very, very stupid—or is trying to get some­thing from you that you re­ally, re­ally don’t want to give up.


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Car­toon by Nate Beeler of The Columbus dispatch. [Read more] “telling the truth usually requires facts”

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shouldn’t we be calling the sessions-kislyak affair “sessionsgate” by now?

WE ARE NOW deep into an af­fair that should have been termed ei­ther Ses­sion­s­gate or Am­bas­sador­gate by our main­stream media. Ever clever with such trite coinages when a De­mo­crat is in­volved, At­torney Gen­eral Ses­sions and Pres­i­dent Trump have somehow avoided having their trans­gres­sion ren­dered in a manner that sug­gest the felonies of the Nixon ad­min­is­tra­tion of 1972-1973. [Read more] “shouldn’t we be calling the sessions-kislyak affair “sessionsgate” by now?”

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definitely “politically correct” (a third take on journalism taking on authority)

TO TELL THE TRUTH in the face of lies is the job of all jour­nal­ists, with lies being, you know, those al­ter­na­tive fact thin­gies that are all the rage these days. Or at least that’s what Lewis Wal­lace states in an ed­i­to­rial call-to-arms that he had posted on his per­sonal blog. [Read more] “definitely “politically correct” (a third take on journalism taking on authority)”

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definitely “provably not true” (one take on journalism taking on authority)

DAMN OUR DAMN LIB­ERAL MEDIA! Here’s yet an­other ex­ample of how the DLM’s bleed­ing­heart li­brull­ness screws things up for us poor civil­ians trying to grok the world in which we live. When ad­dressing a state­ment that was so man­i­festly in­cor­rect that it had to be a lie, the na­tional se­cu­rity cor­re­spon­dent for Na­tional Public Radio de­clared the state­ment “prov­ably not true.” [Read more] “definitely “provably not true” (one take on journalism taking on authority)”

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rumor and speculation can look like alternative facts

EVERY TROLL IS RIGHTWINGED, or least seems to be. Every fake news site and every blog passing on al­ter­na­tive facts also seems to be far right of center. Of course, this is based on my ex­pe­ri­ence on the free­wheeling world­wide web of fact and fic­tion, opinion and as­sess­ment, rumor and spec­u­la­tion, and every­thing else a human can do with words, im­ages, and symbols. [Read more] “rumor and speculation can look like alternative facts”

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I live in an alternative reality where clinton won

I FEEL LIKE THE OLD MAN in the movie Moon­struck. You know, at the end when every­thing is hap­pening crazily around him and he puts his head in his hands on the kitchen table and moans, “I’m con­fused.” This struck home for me when I found an ar­ticle pub­lished ear­lier today in The Wash­ington Post. [Read more] “I live in an alternative reality where clinton won”

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first they came for the lgbt, and I did not speak out because I was straight

FIRST, KNOW THIS: “They’re stoked by bit­ter­ness, anger, and the un­bear­able color of others, and they’re buying into Donald Trump’s trope that the elec­tion, in­deed so­ciety, is rigged against them. At his ral­lies, they love to wear obscene-laced tee-shirts, and when Hillary Clin­ton’s name is men­tioned, they come alive with chants of ‘Lock her up.’ [Read more] “first they came for the lgbt, and I did not speak out because I was straight”