the trump bucks stop here!

Es­ti­mated reading time is 1 minute.

SUP­PORTERS OF DONALD TRUMP are told that so-called “Trump Bucks” will propel his 2024 pres­i­den­tial bid and make the buck-buyers rich when he wins and they can cash in. How would it work? Those who bought the bucks be­lieve that when Trump is re-elected, he will in­sti­tute a new mon­e­tary system that will make Trump Bucks valuable!

Since 2020, when Joe Biden de­feated Trump in the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, in­ternet huck­sters have been selling pro-Trump prod­ucts like coins, checks, and cards and mar­keting them as nov­elty items. The fine print on the web­sites of­fering these items usu­ally notes that they are memorabilia.

The trump bucks stop here!

So, my ques­tion is: When the folks who buy these things in 2023 find out they are ab­solutely worth­less in 2024, which Biden do you think they will blame?

Yeah yeah yeah! I know this was an easy target but, hey, I’m human—I couldn’t resist.


The Trump Bucks Stop Here: Image of a Trump Buck for the year 2024.

FEA­TURED IMAGE: Both sides of a Trump Buck. I don’t know if this is a “real” one or merely an AI-generated image made for use with an on­line ar­ticle nor do I care enough to look it up! Source of in­for­ma­tion quoted above: Be­ware: “Trump sup­porters get­ting conned with worth­less cur­rency.”


Ded­i­cated to Re­becca DeShong in hopes that it buoys her spirits be­cause she knows a basic mantra of Nealism about pol­i­tics in these here United States: “Things are gonna get a lot worse be­fore they get any better.”



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