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I just launched a new publication on medium all about elvis

WE LAUNCHED our new pub­li­ca­tion Tell It Like It Was on Medium on Jan­uary 1, 2019. The ar­ti­cles within ad­dress pop­ular music, pri­marily rock & roll from the ’60s. “We” are John Ross (my fa­vorite music blogger), Lew Shiner (my fa­vorite nov­elist), and my­self. We love the music (and the books and the movies and the styles and the girls girls girls) of that era. [Read more] “I just launched a new publication on medium all about elvis”

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about the bleeding heart liberal petitions page on facebook

I HAVE A FACE­BOOK PAGE ti­tled Bleeding Heart Lib­eral Pe­ti­tions. Most days, I re­ceive a slew of emails with pe­ti­tions for var­ious causes such as saving an en­dan­gered species, urging my rep­re­sen­ta­tives in state and fed­eral gov­ern­ment to vote for or against a par­tic­ular bill, protest an in­jus­tice, etc. I read them all, sign most of them, and add a few to the Face­book page. [Read more] “about the bleeding heart liberal petitions page on facebook”

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is white man messing around with red man’s poo-poo?

I WOKE UP and plopped my­self down in my chair and opened my email. Bleary-eyed, I skimmed over the var­ious sub­ject ti­tles and saw one that made me rub those bleary eyes: “Sign the pe­ti­tion: Apache holy shit threat­ened . . .” and the rest was cut off. [Read more] “is white man messing around with red man’s poo-poo?”

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you don’t appreciate a lot of stuff until you get older

I MAY BE GET­TING UP THERE IN YEARS, but sex re­mains a topic of in­terest, both in its arousing forms an in its hu­morous forms. I was re­cently emailed a col­lec­tion of quotes about sex and mar­riage and found many of them rather fun. Some were even too ac­cu­rate, making them all fun­nier. [Read more] “you don’t appreciate a lot of stuff until you get older”

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is there money to be made selling books on the internet?

THE POP­U­LA­TION OF THE U.S. is ap­prox­i­mately 330,000,000. Of course, Amazon reaches around the planet, so the po­ten­tial market for just about any­thing you might want to sell is in the bil­lions! If you’re into books and think you might want to dabble a little in buying and selling them to pick up a few bucks, my ad­vice con­sists of two words: “Think again.” [Read more] “is there money to be made selling books on the internet?”

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just another rhetorical question about God

THE SPORT OF TY­COONS is the title of the 1974 painting of Scrooge Mc­Duck by leg­endary artist Carl Barks. Barks was a Disney Studio artist who made his way into comics in the early 1940s. Like other artists who worked for Disney at the time, his work was un­signed and so he was known only as “The Good Duck Artist” to fans. [Read more] “just another rhetorical question about God”

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we might wonder what benefits impeachment is likely to yield

WE MIGHT WONDER what ben­e­fits im­peach­ment is likely to yield, pon­ders An­drew Bace­vich in “The Real Cover-Up: Putting Donald Trump’s Im­peach­ment in Con­text.” As to the ben­e­fits of im­peach­ment, Bace­vich be­lieves that an­swering that ques­tion “re­quires ex­am­ining four sce­narios that de­scribe the range of pos­si­bil­i­ties awaiting the nation.” [Read more] “we might wonder what benefits impeachment is likely to yield”

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first they came for the black-spotted newts


First, they came for the black-spotted newts but I did not speak out be­cause I was not a black-spotted newt.

Then they came for the spotted owls but I did not speak out be­cause I was not a spotted owl.

Then they came for the but­ter­flies but I did not speak out be­cause I was not a butterfly. [Read more] “first they came for the black-spotted newts”

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what should we be doing with the norman lear library?

NORMAN LEAR IS BACK ON TOP! It started on May 22, 2019, when ABC tele­vi­sion broad­cast “Live In Front Of A Studio Au­di­ence: Norman Lear’s All In The Family And The Jef­fer­sons.” The show con­sisted of live “recre­ations” of two episodes from the orig­inal “All In The Family” and “The Jef­fer­sons” from the 1970s. [Read more] “what should we be doing with the norman lear library?”